![]() Ranking high on the list of desirable amenities from the Community Survey was a cafe/coffee shop. Tockwith Together organised a forum of interested residents to consider the best approach to this. Good progress was made and many features were identified. One of the ideal locations was the Forge, at the Spotted Ox pub. Landlord Alex has just announced that he is about to undertake significant refurbishment to the building and gardens to provide all day coffee shop facilities. Access will be pushchair and wheelchair friendly and dogs welcomed. ![]() Tockwith with Wilstrop Parish Survey THE RESULTS… Analysis of your responses to the survey questionnaire has yielded the following results and conclusions. Part 1 – Thinking about the infrastructure of the Parish No surprises here many might say. Reasonably high levels of satisfaction were with street lighting and refuse/recycling collections. The highest levels of dissatisfaction related to public transport and the provision of practical footpaths and cycleways (to places of work or transport links). This was supported in general comments where the condition of roads and pavements were also highlighted as a concern. All these of course are outside the control of the community, but they are to be elevated to Parish Council and North Yorkshire Council levels and followed up by representatives of the Community Plan team. Part 2 – Thinking about social amenities across the Parish There was a reasonable level of satisfaction across age groups with the provision of facilities and community groups. However, this may have resulted from mainly adult responses. It is proposed to investigate further by getting specific inputs from children and teenagers. There was some dissatisfaction with the availability of public green spaces. Walking was the clear leader in the type of recreational activity enjoyed by residents, followed by cycling, running and other sports. Part 3 – Thinking about the environment People were asked to rank six different categories of issue within the environment of the Parish and indicate their levels of concern. Overall, there was not much concern about care of hedges, trees and greens/verges. Similarly, noise and air pollution and fly-tipping were not of a high concern. Unsurprising maybe, dog fouling and litter were top areas of concern. The Community Plan team will be looking further into these and will be bringing an action plan forward. Part 4 – Our Village, Our Future This section covered a list of 23 suggested priorities for action with people selecting their top 5 and ranking them in order of importance to themselves. The resulting top 10 items were: 1. Better public transport 2. Footpath & cycleway improvement 3. Café/coffee shop 4. Tree, wildflower, bulb planting across the parish 5. Improved provision for existing native wildlife 6. A community bus 7. Carbon-neutral initiatives 8. More public green spaces 9. Youth provision/youth club 10. Running/walking track These areas were largely supported by general comments, although the numbers of responses here was quite low. Again, some of these subjects are beyond the remit of the Community Plan and will be escalated to the appropriate authorities. Others, the community itself may well be able to influence and implement. It is anticipated to engage with interested residents to take part in discussions or forums as to how best to take them forward. Part 5 – Communication Interestingly, social media was by far the most popular source of parish information preferred by 68% of respondents. Word of mouth, parish magazine, lampposts and notice boards were used fairly equally (28-36%). Final Question – what do residents like about our villages? Clearly, people liked the community feel, nice countryside, amenities (shop, pubs, GP, school). There were also positives about access to other nearby towns and cities. Not so positive were the concerns about the erosion of these qualities by the neighbourhood growing in size through housing developments. Full report at: www. https://tockwithcommunity.weebly.com Comments/questions to: [email protected] Tockwith Together -Tockwith Community Plan
As you all know our survey of the local residents’ opinions and views of important topics was run in April 2023 (1st April to 26th April). The method was a mixture of paper copy hand delivered surveys provided to all residents of the area, 882 in total, and also an online platform that could be accessed via a QR code/weblink on the paper version or also via social media. There was a total of 348 responses collected over the period. The majority of these were paper copies, which represented 65% (n= 226) and 35% were online (n=122). The survey covered three villages, Tockwith, Cowthorpe and Wilstrop. The vast majority of responses were from Tockwith (88% n= 305), 29 responses were from Cowthorpe (8%) and the remaining were from Wilstrop (<5 people) The data is still being analysed but early insights suggest there are few surprises about the major infrastructure issues. On the other hand there are some interesting suggestions and ideas about future aspirations. Stand by for specific reports and actions as conclusions are drawn from the data presented……… |
November 2024
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